Friday, April 2, 2010


With regards to time, the video claimed that time is either the unfolding of events or a substratum through which thing happen (?) (I could be wrong with this). It appears to me that time is the substratum through which things unfold, and not the unfolding itself; events need to unfold, and need to do so in a substratum or else everything would happen at once, or always be. However, the rate at which things unfold is relative to the one experiencing the event, in which case the substratum, though immutable itself, allows for variation in the rate of unfolding events. Conciousness may be a determining factor in the rate at which events unfold, as consciousness 'altered' from the state humans are typically in during waking life, brought about from sleep, drugs, meditation, etc. seems to experience time a bit differently, as more events can unfold in a shorter period of time (just as more events can unfold for one traveling at the speed of light).

Is the 'flow' of time, then, merely subjective?